The Sisu Hub Fees

The Sisu Hub fees include the following:

Ratios in the classes of 1 Adult: 4 students; Age appropriate Instruction; Group Occupational Therapy; Spelling to Communicate incorporated in the classrooms; Brain Gym; Purposeful Motor Program.

Occupational Therapy

Marna Hartman. SPD; Autism and Specialized education background. Medical Aid Rates apply.

Extracurricular Activities:

• Soccer Kids • Music Therapy • Moovit Physical Fitness


The Sisu Hub offers Occupational Therapy and Spelling to Communicate (S2C) on our premises. Individual sessions are not included in the yearly fees. The S2C sessions are compulsory and are required once a week. Please note that JHB fees include S2C therapy once a week.

Spelling to Communicate (S2C)

One-on-one S2C sessions are not included in the yearly fees. The S2C Therapy is compulsory and a minimum of one 45-minute sessions per week is required. Two 45-minute sessions per week are recommended for optimal progress.